How 4-H Programs Can Help Rural Libraries Better Serve Farming Communities

Proposed Solutions
ChallengesICT Skills & ExperienceCommunity EngagementWillingness
Staff-related challengesLack of staffCannot be addressed by 4-HStrategies
– Leveraging pre-existing partnerships
– Willingness to explore new partnerships
Lack of awareness about techAccess
– Access to ICT resources/training

– Awareness of the dangers of ICTs and motivation to educate the community on responsible tech use

– Ability to use collaborative software
– Competence with social media
– Ability to use a wide range of software
– Using technology for agricultural solutions

– Ability to teach the purpose and uses of ICTs for addressing specific problems
– Confidence in ability to train others
– Willingness to offer training/programming
– Access to grants/funding

– Willingness to engage with new technologies
Overwhelmed by multiple responsibilitiesAccess
– Access to ICT resources/training

– Ability to use collaborative software
– Competence with social media
– Ability to use a wide range of software
– Using technology for agricultural solutions
Cannot be addressed by 4-HCollaboration
– Willingness to explore new partnerships
Inability to answer patron questionsAccess
– Access to ICT resources/training

– Ability to use collaborative software
– Competence with social media
– Ability to use a wide range of software
– Using technology for agricultural solutions

– Ability to teach the purpose and uses of ICTs for addressing specific problems
– Confidence in ability to train others
– Willingness to offer training/programming
– Willingness to engage with new technologies
Lack of ideasCannot be addressed by 4-HPromotion
– Ability to articulate the value of libraries to rural communities

– Leveraging pre-existing partnerships
– Strategies for mitigating distractions of technology and enhancing the ability to focus
Cannot be addressed by 4-H
Limited experienceAccess
– Access to ICT resources/training

– Awareness of the dangers of ICTs and motivation to educate the community on responsible tech use

– Ability to use collaborative software
– Competence with social media
– Ability to use a wide range of software
– Using technology for agricultural solutions
– Leveraging pre-existing partnerships
Cannot be addressed by 4-H
Partnerships / Lack of collaborationsUnable to leverage partnershipsCannot be addressed by 4-HStrategies
– Leveraging pre-existing partnerships
– Willingness to collaborate with public libraries
– Willingness to explore new partnerships
– Building on partnerships with government agencies

– Access to grants/funding
Lack of relationships with specific local stakeholdersCannot be addressed by 4-HPromotion
– Ability to articulate the value of tech literacy for farmworkers
– Ability to articulate the value of libraries to rural communities

– Familiarity and empathy for farmworkers’ challenges

– Low-tech (conventional methods of) outreach
– Leveraging pre-existing partnerships
– Willingness to collaborate with public libraries
– Willingness to explore new partnerships
– Building on partnerships with government agencies
Community-related challengesLack of farming experienceCannot be addressed by 4-HEmpathy
– Familiarity and empathy for farmworkers’ challenges

– Leveraging pre-existing partnerships
Cannot be addressed by 4-H
Lack of awareness about minority farmworkersCannot be addressed by 4-HEmpathy
– Familiarity and empathy for farmworkers’ challenges

– Low-tech (conventional methods of) outreach
– Leveraging pre-existing partnerships
Cannot be addressed by 4-H
Lack of mechanisms to identify and serve farming-related patronsCannot be addressed by 4-HPromotion
– Ability to articulate the value of tech literacy for farmworkers
– Ability to articulate the value of libraries to rural communities

– Familiarity and empathy for farmworkers’ challenges

– Low-tech (conventional methods of) outreach
Cannot be addressed by 4-H
Inability or lack of desire of patrons to access the libraryCannot be addressed by 4-HPromotion
– Ability to articulate the value of tech literacy for farmworkers
– Ability to articulate the value of libraries to rural communities

– Familiarity and empathy for farmworkers’ challenges

– Low-tech (conventional methods of) outreach
– Leveraging pre-existing partnerships
– Strategies for mitigating distractions of technology and enhancing the ability to focus
Cannot be addressed by 4-H
Unpredictable nature of attendanceCannot be addressed by 4-HPromotion
– Ability to articulate the value of tech literacy for farmworkers
– Ability to articulate the value of libraries to rural communities

– Low-tech (conventional methods of) outreach
Cannot be addressed by 4-H
Not to get discouraged by low attendanceCannot be addressed by 4-HPromotion
– Ability to articulate the value of tech literacy for farmworkers
– Ability to articulate the value of libraries to rural communities

– Low-tech (conventional methods of) outreach
Cannot be addressed by 4-H
Patrons unaware of library and its services — awareness about librariesCannot be addressed by 4-HPromotion
– Ability to articulate the value of tech literacy for farmworkers
– Ability to articulate the value of libraries to rural communities

– Low-tech (conventional methods of) outreach
Cannot be addressed by 4-H
OutreachCannot be addressed by 4-HPromotion
– Ability to articulate the value of tech literacy for farmworkers
– Ability to articulate the value of libraries to rural communities

– Low-tech (conventional methods of) outreach
– Willingness to explore new partnerships
– Building on partnerships with government agencies
Patrons’ perception of libraryCannot be addressed by 4-HPromotion
– Ability to articulate the value of tech literacy for farmworkers
– Ability to articulate the value of libraries to rural communities

– The partnership with 4-H can enhance the image and value of rural libraries perceived by local community
– Leveraging pre-existing partnerships
Cannot be addressed by 4-H
Serving patrons who cannot readCannot be addressed by 4-HStrategies
– Leveraging pre-existing partnerships
– Strategies for mitigating distractions of technology and enhancing the ability to focus
Cannot be addressed by 4-H
Inability to meet the patron needsCannot be addressed by 4-HStrategies
– Leveraging pre-existing partnerships
– Willingness to explore new partnerships
Technology-related challengesConstantly learning new tech solutionsAccess
– Access to ICT resources/training

– Awareness of the dangers of ICTs and motivation to educate the community on responsible tech use

– Ability to use collaborative software
– Competence with social media
– Ability to use a wide range of software
– Using technology for agricultural solutions

– Ability to teach the purpose and uses of ICTs for addressing specific problems
Cannot be addressed by 4-HTechnology
– Willingness to engage with new technologies
Tech infrastructureCannot be addressed by 4-HCannot be addressed by 4-HFinances
– Access to grants/funding
External factorsExternal resistanceCannot be addressed by 4-HStrategies
– The partnership with 4-H can enhance the image and value of rural libraries perceived by local gov’t
– Building on partnerships with government agencies
Lack of willingness of governmentCannot be addressed by 4-HStrategies
– The partnership with 4-H can enhance the image and value of rural libraries perceived by local gov’t
– Building on partnerships with government agencies
Library as a low priority serviceCannot be addressed by 4-HStrategies
– The partnership with 4-H can enhance the image and value of rural libraries perceived by local gov’t
– Building on partnerships with government agencies
Apathy toward librariesCannot be addressed by 4-HStrategies
– The partnership with 4-H can enhance the image and value of rural libraries perceived by local gov’t
– Building on partnerships with government agencies
FinanceFunding: AccessCannot be addressed by 4-HStrategies
– The partnership with 4-H can enhance the image and value of rural libraries perceived by local gov’t
– Leveraging pre-existing partnerships
– Willingness to explore new partnerships
– Building on partnerships with government agencies

– Access to grants/funding